What Is
Life In Fast Forward?
Welcome to the online home of me, some guy given the name John Cleveland Payne. In the grand scheme of life, I am just another guy with another blog. But to myself, and hopefully to all of you who actually read this, I am something a little more special. From a young age, I fell in love of the idea of ‘the message’ and medium in which you try to transmit.

Basically, everyone has a message to give to the world. Some are basic, some complex, some have the power to up lift and some are just out there to bring as many people down as possible. But everyone has a message, and most people have problems identifying their message. And the ones who get that far can seem to figure out how to get the world to listen.

Well, I have a message, and this is where I will get a chance to share it. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty of things to keep you motivated or inspired, provide knowledge and comfort, and just have a little fun. Apologies for the state of flux and state of seemingly confusing messages that you’ll get here for a while, as I am doing a lot of personal soul searching, and scrubbing of old ideas to take the best of the past to build a new beginning.

In 2007, I changed the name of blog from “The Mis-Adventures Of The Jazzy Cool One” to “Life In Fast Forward.” I began to tear down old blogs and newsletters and try to find places for them here. My goal is to take the focus off of me the person, and show the world the life I live and share with every human on the planet. I aspire to life at a very high standard, and instead of dealing with people who rather slow us down, I want to find ways to help people pick up there own pace. As you get to see an insight to the further adventures I hope to lead, hopefully you’ll enjoy the ride, and want to come along.

Other things
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Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
More Changes For Life In Fast Forward
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A few more behind the scenes changes for the site, the company, and my life.

For starters, as if I'm not a sucker for a name change, we're now going with Fast Forward for the company name. A new website is coming, as the new 'business' comes together.

News address for the blog (this here site): http://blog.lifeinfastforward.com or http://lifeinfastforward.com/blog (yes, it just transfers everything to blogger. I know I'm cheating)

And I've decided to give the dream a little more time before a change of scenery.

Wish me luck...
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 8:59 PM   0 comments
New Logo For Business
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Not much business yet, but I've worked on a new snazzy logo...


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 10:00 PM   0 comments
Be Careful Who You Blog About
Monday, January 28, 2008
Who would have thought that a 233 word newsletter blurb written years ago would come to the light of day?

The blurb in particular deals with a name from my past (the 8th grade to be precise), in a writing for my You Already Have The Answers Newsletter (you can subscribe to this newsletter by sending a blank email to: youalreadyhavetheanswers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com). The name is Demeter McIntosh, and she was an instant crush I had from a grade school retreat a long time ago. The only proof I even have of her existence is a photo with her I have in a shoebox somewhere that I was almost too shy to pose for. Anyway, I used her name as one of five girls from way back when in a posting on giving up on blame and just letting go of hard feelings, which was written in my early 30's, 15 years after brief encounter where I was truly too shy to call the cute girl back when I got home.

So I'm going through some analytics on some of my websites and blogs, and I notice that I've gotten a rare uninitiated hit to the very scaled down Answers Website, and wonder what random search brought them there, and if I can use that knowledge to revive my very much loved if very long neglected site.

It was a search for the name Demeter McIntosh.

I don't know if it was a search for my Demeter McIntosh, and I don't really care. What I got was a reminder that you never really know what odd random search might bring new traffic to your site, and you never really know what will keep them there either. Just be careful to remember
what you happen to post on that blog where you carelessly put random bits of your life. You may never know, for good or ill, what may find its way to your online world, and what they will do with this knowledge.

Order Flowers Online

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 9:35 PM   0 comments
Going For A Win After Giving Up Win-Win
Sunday, January 27, 2008
For those who can’t get through the all of the tenets of game theory, the basic breakdown has a win-win strategy as the desired outcome for conflict resolution that aims to accommodate all disputants. Essentially, a win-win outcome means each side of a dispute feels they have won. Whatever accommodations that have been made provide more pluses to their side than minuses. The alternatives are win-lose, when only one side perceives the outcome as positive, and lose-lose, where all parties end up being worse off in the end.

Obviously, a lose-lose is the worst possibly outcome available. But what about win-lose? Assuming you are on the win side of the decision, and there is no way to come to accommodations where both sides can prosper, can you actually live with a decision where you know you’re screwing over your opposition?

it depends. Ifs its pick up basketball with a bunch of guys you’re likely not to see again, why should you care if you win big? If you’re a military general, it might be the only strategy available against an opposing force that refuses to negotiate or surrender.

If your business is being threatened by a viscous or even unfair attack, and your reputation and likelihood are on the line, you better be prepared to go all or nothing.

One interesting point in the whole gambit of working for a win-win outcome , as per Stephen Covey’s 4th Habit (Think Win/Win), is that Covey presents this as six paradigms of human interaction, and once you get past win-lose and lose-win seem like the same thing, and win at all cost, you have the option of just walking away and saying ‘no deal.’ Its almost as good as a mutual win for both sides, even if no side comes away with anything.
Only you will be able to know if you can live with the outcome, but a win-win isn’t always possible, and a no deal may not be an option. While you may not want to do harm or play foul against your opponent, you are facing off against an opponent. Do not underestimate you ability to pull a ‘win’.

Order free copy of the new book

Order free copy of the new book from the writers of 'The One Minute Millionaire'

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:00 PM   0 comments
Rules Of Thumb
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Did you ever wonder about a rule of thumb? I mean, like, you were a little unsure about some rule of thumb, but didn't know where exactly to go to check it out?

Okay, so the chances are pretty slim that you did. But if for some reason in the future you just happen to have a question about a particular rule of thumb, you answer will probably be found at http://rulesofthumb.org/, with the goal of gathering "every rule of thumb on earth into one gargantuan, easily searchable online reference database that will be accessible from anywhere in the world and continue to grow forever."

We say good luck to Rules of Thumb.org.

Click HERE to Send Flowers!

Click HERE to Send Flowers Fast!


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 8:59 PM   0 comments
"I Have A Dream": The Historic Speech By Dr Martin Luther King, Jr
Monday, January 21, 2008

As a reminder of why we actually have the day off today, here is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech in its entirety.

VistaPrint Free Business Cards

VistaPrint: Free Business Cards & More

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 12:24 PM   0 comments
22 Annoying Things To Do In An Elevator
Sunday, January 20, 2008
To get your work week started out the right way, I present to you 22 Annoying Things to do in an Elevator.

Oddly enought, I've done 10 of these things...

Thanks to Ian McKenzie at Ian’s Messy Desk.

Party hard at SpencersOnline.com!

Party Hard At SpencersOnline.com!


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:55 PM   0 comments
New Look, New Possibilities?
New template has been unleashed. Still need to take some time to put in some more good widgets, but have fun with a cleaner blog.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:48 PM   0 comments
Dealing With Adult ADD

I like to look at the search results that being people to my sites for the same reason
most others do: to try to become better at targeting traffic to my site. Some of the
results that bring people to various sites are more than surprising.

This morning, I found that search results for a 10-year-old book Adventures
in Fast Forward
by Kathleen G. Nadeau. It’s a book for all adults with ADD that
was designed to provide a practical guide for day-to-day life.

And since I work with a lot of creative types, who might as well suffer from Adult
ADD/ADHD, I got curious, and did a little extra research on the subject. Here are a few
more books I found for people dealing with Adult ADD/ADHD:

- You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!: The Classic Self-Help Book for Adults with
Attention Deficit Disorder
by Kate Kelly, Peggy Ramundo & Ned Hallowell
- 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD: How to Overcome Chronic Distraction & Accomplish Your
by Stephanie Moulton Sarkis
- ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg, Kathleen G. Nadeau & Sam Goldstein
- Making ADD Work: On-The-Job Strategies for Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder by Blythe Grossberg
- Finding Your Focus by Judith Greenbaum & Geraldine Markel

I am also setting up a permanent page to add more information to this subject.

Instant Health Insurance Quotes

eHealth Insurance: Instant Health Insurance Quotes

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 11:49 AM   0 comments
Classic Books On Studies In Behavior
Friday, January 18, 2008
I've been working on some longer post on various topics, along with fixing up some old sites for the big consolidation, but I wanted to get out a quick list of books that I think are great for anyone who tends to study people and behavior. These books can be used plan new approaches to relationships in business, or even personal, if you are up to a little innocent mental trickery:

- The Art of War by Sun Tzu
- The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Behavior of Crowds: A Psychological Study by Everett Dean Martin
- Out of the Crisis by Edwards Deming
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker

click Here


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 12:13 PM   0 comments
Quick Thought For 1/18/08
Remove all barriers to success and watch that you never achieve success. Without the barriers to test your resolve you'll never appreciate the success you hope to gain. Remove as many barriers as you can, then find ways to climb over or break through all the ones, large or small that remain.

MP3 iPod Accessories - Nano, Shuffle, SE, 3G and 4

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 10:27 AM   0 comments
Consolidation: You Already Have The Answers
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The consolidation of all my blogs and sites is beginning, with a temporary fix in place for my 70-plus entrees for my weekly newsletter, You Already have The Answers. Check them out, and sign up to receive a reminder that you have the answers to pretty much all of life’s little problems by sending a blank email to youalreadyhavetheanswers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Art-Hammer.com - Your photo on Canvas

Art-Hammer.com: Your photo on Canvas

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 8:46 PM   0 comments
Everybody Is A Salesperson
Everybody is a salesperson. Period.

Whether you are representing yourself or your company, every time you step out into public, you are representing something that should be highly important to you. You might not be getting a commission from the ‘sale,’ but do not discount the impact your image in person, and these day online, will have.

And because everyone is in sales, you can always use a little refresher to keep your sales skills up. Here are some books that I got off a suggestion list (I think they came from Mark Cuban) that I found that helped me understand how to become an more effective salesman in all aspects of my life:

- Cold Calling Techniques That Really Work by Stephen Schiffman
- Closing Techniques That Really Work by Stephen Schiffman
- 25 Sales Skills They Don't Teach at Business School by Stephen Schiffman

Direct Email Marketing with Constant Contact

Direct Email Marketing with Constant Contact

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:15 PM   0 comments
Keith Ferrazzi's Life Coach Tool 1.0
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Wish you could afford a personal life coach to help light a fire under you butt when you start dragging? Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone, has a his Life Coach Tool 1.0 ready for people like you (and me).

Yahoo! Small Business

Yahoo! Small Business

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 5:17 PM   0 comments
The New Year's Diet
Monday, January 07, 2008
I can have pizza...
...just can't have pizza everyday.

I can have a burger and fries...
...just can't have a burger and fries everyday.

I can have barbecue...
...just can't have barbecue everyday.

I can have rich desserts...
...just can't have rich desserts everyday.

and so on...

Put your business on TV with Spot Runner

Put your business on TV with Spot Runner


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 9:28 PM   0 comments
Finally Taking Control Of Your Life
Sunday, January 06, 2008
You’ve finally reached you limit. You are completely fed up with the situation, and now is the time to make a change. Here are the steps you should take to finally take control of your life:

1. Come To The Realization You Can't Live Like This Anymore.

The time has finally come. You have decided you can't take it anymore, and now is the time to do something about it. Even if you don't yet know what that something is, don't worry. You've just master the hardest part, knowing now is the time for a change.

2. Get You Emotions In Check

There will be fear. There will be doubt. And there will be a lot of guilt. These emotions are natural, but so is strength, bravery, curiosity. These are the emotions you will really need to keep up your momentum. It not going to be an easy task, but by gaining control of your emotions, you’ll find the key to harnessing the power to make changes.

3. Figure Out Where You Are, And Where You Think You Want To Go

Your first mission is to determine exactly what your situation is. Determine what the real problems you're facing are, and what changes in your life would help you overcome those problems.

4. Read The Books

Time to do the research necessary to get you on your way. If you're missing key skills, this is the time to learn where and how to acquire them. Get the knowledge, do the work, and learn what you need to get yourself moving.

5. Don't Just Read The Books

Now that you have a little knowledge, go out and use it to gain some power! Put the lessons you have under your belt into play immediately, and learn to learn as you go. Don't let lack of knowledge stop you from pushing forward. You will soon find that you don't really know what you really know until you are faced with a dire situation. Then, most often, you'll be surprise just how much you know that you didn't think you knew.

6. Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

This is a new thing you're taking on, and you're going to have to stumble and possible fall a few times before your feet become stable enough for you to sustain yourself. It's natural to make plenty of mistakes. It the only way you will learn. Just be sure not to constantly repeat the same mistakes.

7. Don't Be Afraid To Restart

You won't get it right on the first time. You probably won't get it right on the second or third try. But don't stop trying. Don't be afraid to start from scratch multiple times before you get you stride going. You'll get there with plenty of pride and confidence. Show plenty of that pride and confidence from the get go.

8. Don't Let Anyone Take You Off Your Game

You've finally made the decision to make a change. Don't let anyone else convince you that you don't need to change. Don't let anyone convince you that you are unable to change.

See how 2 million people are

Compete.com: See how 2 million people are "doing" it!


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:51 PM   0 comments
2008 & The Quest To Perfect Goal Setting, Part 1.5
Saturday, January 05, 2008
It’s January 5th, and although my wife and I already sat down once to go over our goals for the year, I'm already revising mine. Actually, I'm completely revamping my approach.

I have a pretty hard time setting REALISTIC goals, prime example is my $1 million in the bank, which has been a standard for many year, yet far from being accomplished. Plus, I am constantly studying the way others lay out their goals, in the hopes of one day created my own 'expert' goal setting plan, so I'm usually juggling 6 or 7 different lists before I eventually throw all the information together, and have a hell of a time sorting out the mess.

Somehow, this new idea came to me. I'm sure I'm actually stealing it from someone, so if I am, they get all the credit. Nonetheless, my goals sheet is being revised more or less real time, and I've already given up on my Totally Unrealistic Blogging Plan For 2008 to the point that I'm planning on dropping two blogs immediately....but that’s for a later post.

Right now, here are 5 of the goals that I had on my sheet for the year, revamped as a long term goal, and the shorter termed what I plan to accomplish in this year. More to come as I rewrite them:

LONG TERM: have $1 million in the bank
By 2009: have $600 in the bank

LONG TERM: Ph.D. (yes, I will then be Doctor Payne...)
By 2009: go back to college

LONG TERM: fitness goals of 160lbs & 10% body fat
By 2009: steady fitness plan of 6 days a week, 90 total minutes a day

LONG TERM: Make a very luxurious living with my own multifaceted media and content company
By 2009: Officially launch the business, with $1,000 in earning at the end of the year

LONG TERM: The ability to avoid or eliminate anything that will delay or detour my progress
By 2009: develop the ability to distinguish problems before they occur

Easy-to-use FileMaker Pro Database as low as $179

Buy the easy-to-use FileMaker Pro Database for as low as $179


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 2:22 PM   0 comments
He Said/She Said Movie Reviews Coming Soon
Friday, January 04, 2008
What happens when you convince you wife, with who you have totally opposite taste in movies, to go see a first-run movie with you every weekend, but it get picked randomly by anyone on the internet, and they you both have to write about it?

More coming soon...

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:24 PM   0 comments
The Iowa Caucus...By The Percentages
Over at the blog for my job at KARN Newsradio, I posted about of massive Iowa Caucus coverage, but made a not how even though there was a record number of people to caucus, it still only represented 11% of the total population which I'm not sure really reflect 'me' anyway.

Seth Godin, the genius that he is, puts it in perspective, with a business twist of course.

Shop getorganized.com

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:10 PM   0 comments
Why You Are Going To Fail
Thursday, January 03, 2008
It's three days into new year, and your resolutions are still going strong, right?

Maybe not, but fear not friends, because with the help of a little reverse psychology, we might be able to right the ship and take your second look goal setting to the next level, even as your first crack at making major changes for 2008 fizzle out over the next few weeks.

Here is why all your well-intender resolutions will fail miserably:

Thinking To Small: Lose some weight? Eat better? Get a handle on my finance? If you've ever seen the acronym S.M.A.R.T. in reference to goal setting know that the 'S stands for specific. Vague hopes and wishes under the guises of a resolution will never be real enough for you to gain momentum to actually accomplish, since you wouldn't really know when you made it anyway.

Thinking To Big: The 'A' in S.M.A.R.T. stands for attainable and the 'R' stands for realistic. If you're 100 pounds over weight and expect to run a marathon this year, it ain't happening. A workout plan of 6 2-a-days will probably not last very long either. Making a goal you might actually keep (30-minute workouts three times a week, fast food no more that twice a week) will do you a lot better.

No True Plan: You said you were going to get organized. Closets? Garage? Change in your car cup holder? What exactly about you are you plaining on getting organized? How are you going to do it? Do you need expert help or just enough free weekends? Without an actual plan, you'll never get wherever your trying to get.

No Support System: Weaving a new new lifestyle into play is complicated enough. Not getting those around you in the game will make it impossible. Despite the best intentions, anyone not on your game plan for yourself will just ad to the possible distractions to keep you from achieving your goal. Then, there are those who are out to completely sabotage your efforts. Find a great group of supporters, and if a person seems to be working against your plans, learn to limit or eliminate your time with them.

You Don't Care: Admit it, you don't really want to get sweaty in a gym surrounded by strangers or stop eating fried jalapeños of breakfast. You don't want to change and only said you would because you thought it would get somebody off your back. They may be noble plans that would be great if you could make them happen, but you don't want to actually put in any effort to make them happen.

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 11:17 AM   0 comments
Happy New Year
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Myself & Mrs Jazzy Cool One want to wish you a very safe and prosperous 2008!


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 12:04 PM   0 comments
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