Welcome to the online home of me, some guy given the name John Cleveland Payne. In the grand scheme of life, I am just another guy with another blog. But to myself, and hopefully to all of you who actually read this, I am something a little more special. From a young age, I fell in love of the idea of ‘the message’ and medium in which you try to transmit.
Basically, everyone has a message to give to the world. Some are basic, some complex, some have the power to up lift and some are just out there to bring as many people down as possible. But everyone has a message, and most people have problems identifying their message. And the ones who get that far can seem to figure out how to get the world to listen.
Well, I have a message, and this is where I will get a chance to share it. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty of things to keep you motivated or inspired, provide knowledge and comfort, and just have a little fun. Apologies for the state of flux and state of seemingly confusing messages that you’ll get here for a while, as I am doing a lot of personal soul searching, and scrubbing of old ideas to take the best of the past to build a new beginning.
In 2007, I changed the name of blog from “The Mis-Adventures Of The Jazzy Cool One” to “Life In Fast Forward.” I began to tear down old blogs and newsletters and try to find places for them here. My goal is to take the focus off of me the person, and show the world the life I live and share with every human on the planet. I aspire to life at a very high standard, and instead of dealing with people who rather slow us down, I want to find ways to help people pick up there own pace. As you get to see an insight to the further adventures I hope to lead, hopefully you’ll enjoy the ride, and want to come along.
Other things
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Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
KARN Newradio Week In Review For Week Ending 2/25/07
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The KARN Newsradio Week In Review Podcast for the week ending 2/25/07 has been posted. KARN/ARN reporter Jonny Dover and I have have produced one of our better episodes, where we give coherent recaps and commentary along with being able to keep it on time for a change.
Sean Michel, Not An Idol, But A Truely Genuine Person
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I got to fill in for the mid-day show on KARNNewsradio in Little Rock, Arkansas on Tuesday after a long night of prepping for the morning after taking a day off, and absolutely no show prep. I took advantage of the first hour to try a few things that i rarely get a chance to practice on air because I get on so infrequently...and as usually, it didn't work out in practice as well as I would have hoped in my head. I was essentially just killing time until the second hour guest got there, a man named Sean Michel, who recently got a once in a lifetime shot of national attention with an appearance in the early audition round in Memphis on this season's 'American Idol.'
His look is unconventional. He was described as a mix of Jesus Christ and Castro, due to the long hair, long beard, and he was wearing a Castro-like hat on TV that day. His sound is hard to describe. I tried to get him to a few times in the interview, and he couldn't. Every member of his band had his own background of influence, and they just seemed to make it work. And most of his original songs were spiritual/God-based, but he sang Johnny Cash & Shai at his Idol audition, and grew up on a lot of blues and Motown.
My words can't do justice to describe Sean's true spirit. The only word I could use is 'genuine.'
KARN Newradio Week In Review For Week Ending 2/17/07
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Jonny Dover is back to join me for the KARNNewsradio Week In Review Podcast! for the week ending February 17, 2007, we once again tackle the most important news in the state of Arkansas, Razorback football, with announcement of Frank Broyles' retirement, along with the helmet law failing, the highway department getting some funds, and take a look nationally at the insanity surrounding Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears, a non-binding resolution on Iraq passing in the House but not the Senate, and Beyonce & Tyra Banks in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
Actually, we originally had the comeback in MardiGras attendance and The Australian's Prime Minster taking a swipe at BarakObama and record snow in New York and travel getting stalled...but I screwed up recording the first take, and in the retake, ran long with Razorback talk and threw out a few quick National headline, and I really just wanted to talk about Beyonce & Tyra Banks.
A painful realization just came to me as I am sitting at the Barnes & Noble Cafe trying to catch up on some work as I am in chaotic limbo with Internet access at home (more on the moving process later. The short answer on internet access is I have no phone nor furniture at the old apartment but no heat at the news house). In order to live a life in fast forward, as the title of my newly rechristened blog would suggest, there ought to be a lot more forward thinking in my actually life, and a lot less worrying about things past and sulking about lack of things present.
I also realize I'd love to say I truly live in the moment, with full security of the things past and mostly optimistic focus on things about to come. Both realizations are not very new or mind-shattering to me, just kinda odd that that the process of moving and being forced with bodily harm for not told to take the day off for President's Day triggered the thought. Maybe my problem isn't that all of a sudden I can't juggle multiple thoughts. Maybe my problem is my fear to relinquish lack of relinquishing thoughts on what I can't or shouldn't need to control in hopes of making the future a little smoother.
In order for more innovation and adaptation from me, I'm going to have to drop some real dead weight, not just stuff that takes up my time that i could be working on that dead weight. The greater good and my personal sanity really do depend on me getting a good grasp of what's important and stimulates growth in my life, my 5 to 9 9 to 5, and my private business affairs.
As always, its easier said than done, but I might want to figure out how to make it done before I work myself into a stroke.
In honor of Friday (and me procrastinating running late for work), I present to you some famous quotes on failure:
"The most important of my discoveries have been suggested to me by my failures." - Humphrey Davy
"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." - Denis Waitley
"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." - George Washington
"I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate." - George F. Burns
"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery." - Samuel Smiles
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby
New Name...Hopefully Many More New Posts To Come...
Thursday, February 15, 2007
From this point on, the title of this blog will be "Life In Fast Forward," which is about the state my life is in right now (for good or ill), with the official subtitle, "The Further Mis-Adventures of the Jazzy Cool One."
I'm not sure how a quick title change (and hopefully a new domain name) is going to fix my working 20 hours a day problem and allow me both a actual life and actual time to post regularly to any blog. But it darn sure makes me feel better for the moment. My goal is to get more posts in as I wrangle with the struggle to get my life in back order after allowing things that were beyond my control get...well, beyond my control.
I made a pledge at the new year to accomplish an insane amount of goals, and then spent the month of January watching my world spiral out of control. I put up plenty of fight, but none of the battles in those 31 days where going to be won. However, the war is far from over, and even if I haven't exactly hit that turning point to the way back to being on heading to the top, I plan on getting there soon...or taking a whole lot of folks with me if I'm doing down...
KARN/ARN reporter Jonny Dover and I have teamed up to produce a weekly news in review Podcast on Arkansas and national news. This is suposed to stake my claim to it on Odeo. Give it a listen and let us know what you think.