Welcome to the online home of me, some guy given the name John Cleveland Payne. In the grand scheme of life, I am just another guy with another blog. But to myself, and hopefully to all of you who actually read this, I am something a little more special. From a young age, I fell in love of the idea of ‘the message’ and medium in which you try to transmit.
Basically, everyone has a message to give to the world. Some are basic, some complex, some have the power to up lift and some are just out there to bring as many people down as possible. But everyone has a message, and most people have problems identifying their message. And the ones who get that far can seem to figure out how to get the world to listen.
Well, I have a message, and this is where I will get a chance to share it. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty of things to keep you motivated or inspired, provide knowledge and comfort, and just have a little fun. Apologies for the state of flux and state of seemingly confusing messages that you’ll get here for a while, as I am doing a lot of personal soul searching, and scrubbing of old ideas to take the best of the past to build a new beginning.
In 2007, I changed the name of blog from “The Mis-Adventures Of The Jazzy Cool One” to “Life In Fast Forward.” I began to tear down old blogs and newsletters and try to find places for them here. My goal is to take the focus off of me the person, and show the world the life I live and share with every human on the planet. I aspire to life at a very high standard, and instead of dealing with people who rather slow us down, I want to find ways to help people pick up there own pace. As you get to see an insight to the further adventures I hope to lead, hopefully you’ll enjoy the ride, and want to come along.
Other things
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Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Monday, July 25, 2005
I got a comment posted to my Progress & Profiles from the Jazzy Cool One Blog, which I affectionately dubbed 'the one that will never EVER be updated again...' It was basically a reminder that updated content is the key to blog success. The fact that it was posted to my dead blog is a little funny, but it is true.
For the two people that actually read this blog, it is one of three more-or-less active blogs I am trying to keep up with, their names being News As Seen From A Slow News Day and the Business Bad Boys' Blog. And the rate of freshness for any of these shouldn't be all that difficult, at least that was my thinking when I decided to work on them. But it is, suprizingly, based on all the work I cram into my 12, er, 8 hour day working in news radio.
I work in news radio, and I haven't the time to put one story on a blog for weird news stories. Go figure.
I've been trying to write on my Business Bad Boys' Blog for three days about the survey from Salary.com and America Online saying that workers waste an average of 2.09 hours at work daily, most of that being just surfing the net for whatever reason. I'll be logging that down as more proof that I have just about zero down time as I put in my 10-hour-but-only-get-paid-for-8-hour days.
The survey involved more than 10,000 employees, and apparently, Missouri is the number one state for wasting time. This does not include the lunch hour, which I do not get by the way.
There have been a few articles I have read lately about personal blogs getting people in trouble at work and with friends and family. It's a good thing nobody reads my blog, especially people from work or my family.
I am not having a good day, which is an extention of about of 5 weeks of consecutive bad days. It doesn't matter what I do to try to stay calm or pre plan for disaster. It all come out bad. Plus, I haven't gotten more than 4 hours of sleep in the 5 weeks all this crap has been going on.
Everything and everybody has me irritable right now. The demands at work growing more challenging, more time consuming, and more and more out of the range of my meager pay grade. Having my stepson and his uncle underfoot for the summer is reinforcing the notion that children are pretty much ungrateful parasites. And my wife is driving me crazy, while making sure to remind me that I shouldn't be so upset with her for inviting herself to come along to every quick activity I try to get done and making them take hours longer than they need be.
I am broke, I am tired, and I am about to lose whatever is left of my mind. The people that I thought were there to help me out and be there for me apparently have to many other thing to worry about, but the never hesitate to hit me up for time, money, or expertise I don't have to spare and demand I give it up in the name of friendship.
There is nothing I could use right now more that a LONG vacation, followed by a long lead time to get back up to stream in my life. Two things I can not afford in any way. The 'company' that I am trying to get off the ground is going absolutely nowhere, so the fact that advancement at the job has been unexpectedly snatched from my grasp doesn't make me feel any better about my lack of freetime because I do more work than I am paid for.
I have spent the day without phone service and internet before. I do it often on my infrequent day's off. Today was not one of those days.
From about 5:30AM until I left at 2PM, I worked at a news / talk radio station in a 7 station cluster with NO BUSINESS PHONE LINES AND NO INTERNET ACCESS! For me personally, that meant not being able to download any new audio, not being able to access email (web based system), and every phone call that should have gone to the news room for the reporters to handle coming into the studio, since the studio phones line are not on the same circuit as the rest of the comm lines. Add to that a long remote broadcast with the equipment dropping out . . . yeah it was a rough day.
You talk to yourself about how you used to live without technology, and I love to get away from it when I can, but just as I am bearing my soul to the world via the internet, I know I am ultimately helpless without it.