What Is
Life In Fast Forward?
Welcome to the online home of me, some guy given the name John Cleveland Payne. In the grand scheme of life, I am just another guy with another blog. But to myself, and hopefully to all of you who actually read this, I am something a little more special. From a young age, I fell in love of the idea of ‘the message’ and medium in which you try to transmit.

Basically, everyone has a message to give to the world. Some are basic, some complex, some have the power to up lift and some are just out there to bring as many people down as possible. But everyone has a message, and most people have problems identifying their message. And the ones who get that far can seem to figure out how to get the world to listen.

Well, I have a message, and this is where I will get a chance to share it. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty of things to keep you motivated or inspired, provide knowledge and comfort, and just have a little fun. Apologies for the state of flux and state of seemingly confusing messages that you’ll get here for a while, as I am doing a lot of personal soul searching, and scrubbing of old ideas to take the best of the past to build a new beginning.

In 2007, I changed the name of blog from “The Mis-Adventures Of The Jazzy Cool One” to “Life In Fast Forward.” I began to tear down old blogs and newsletters and try to find places for them here. My goal is to take the focus off of me the person, and show the world the life I live and share with every human on the planet. I aspire to life at a very high standard, and instead of dealing with people who rather slow us down, I want to find ways to help people pick up there own pace. As you get to see an insight to the further adventures I hope to lead, hopefully you’ll enjoy the ride, and want to come along.

Other things
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Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Thoughts for the Day for February 19, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today's Quote: "Even God cannot change the past." - Agathon

Today's Topic For Reflection: What events from your past are holding you back? Why are you holding on to limiting events from the past?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 5:07 PM   0 comments
You Already Have The Answers For February 18, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008

Wouldn't it be great if for every pursuit you had, there was some sort of blueprint to achieve it? An instruction booklet for your goals and dreams, with an easy to access index to get the exact answer you want when you want it? A teacher who has made the mistakes you don't want to waste you time with, who knows the keys to true success in a field? There is such a thing. It is called a mentor.

THIS WEEK'S TIP: Trailblazers are there for a reason. Whether willing or reluctant, they clear the path for those who are to come after them. You don't have to do their work over again. Find yourself a mentor in the field you are pursuing and take their advice to heart. A good mentor will want to pass their knowledge along to future generations for both the common good and the personal ego. And both are a good thing.

To subscribe to the You Already Have The Answers Newsletter, send a blank message to:youalreadyhavetheanswers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 5:40 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 18, 2008
Today's Quote: "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers." - James Thurber

Today's Topic For Reflection: How well do you perform when you plan ahead? How often do you actually plan ahead?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:41 AM   0 comments
This Or Thats For 2-17-08
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Secret to Being a Great Friend
Not exactly a real secret, but it's amazing how many people can’t do it...

20 Things I'm Glad Life Taught Me
Some of life's hardest lessons are the ones you need to learn the most...

Aspiring Entrepreneurs: No Money? No Problem! Get Started Today
I'm following every single one of these steps, hope you come along for the ride...

Wife’s Diary vs. Husband’s Diary
This could be my wife and I...

Dan's Chocolates

Dan's Chocolates


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 10:11 PM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 17, 2008

Today's Quote: "Within the problem lies the solution." - Milton Katselas

Today's Topic For Reflection: Does you problem solving expertise resemble wishful thinking? Do you choose to focus on the problem to see what is truly needed to find a solution?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 8:44 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 16, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Today's Quote: "I can't imagine a person becoming a success who doesn't give this game of life everything he's got." - Walter Cronkite

Today's Topic For Reflection: Do you give 100% effort all the time? Why would you not put in all that you can all the time?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 8:45 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 15, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Today's Quote: "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

Today's Topic For Reflection: Do you surround yourself with enough positive people? Do you surround yourself with too many negative people?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:17 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 14, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Today's Quote: "We all have ability. The difference is how we use it." - Stevie Wonder

Today's Topic For Reflection: Do you have the natural talents that you desire? Are you wasting talents that you don't really want?

Subscribe to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:37 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 13, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Today's Quote: "Determine never to be idle...It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." - Thomas Jefferson

Today's Topic For Reflection: What do you do with your time off? Is there less nobility in letting it waste away as there is in using it to get ahead of schedule?

Subscriber to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 6:06 PM   0 comments
Your Cost To Your Employer
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
You know how much you get paid, and you know how much you think you're worth. Do you know how much having you on the payroll actually cost your employer?

Political Calculations crunches the numbers.

Thanks to Execupundit.com for the find.


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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 6:22 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 12, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today's Quote: "The places you're going to are never on the map. And once you get that map out, you won't be able to refold it no mater how smart you are." - Kermit The Frog

Today's Topic For Reflection: Is your life's journey based on a well mapped out plan? How many detours have you come across along the way?

Subscriber to the Thoughts for the Day Newsletter by sending a blank email to daily-thoughts-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:57 AM   0 comments
Your (Multiple) Online Home(s)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Let me start out by saying that I hate my Myspace page. Yes, I truly hate it, but I have to have one, because it’s the only way I have to communicate with many people. They don't call or email, by they update their Myspace page every few hours, letting the world know everything from there active descent into in the middle of a deep, dark depression, to the trivial passing of knowledge that they've just come out of a long tunnel on a train.

I must use my Myspace to get information too these people just as I must use the stupid thing to get information from them. And I have no proof that they actually look at my page or my bulletins, but somehow, they seem to know.

Hating my myspace page is just the tip of the ice berg. The real problem is that there are too many online tools and pages that house some sort of specialized information and creates a 'sense' of community. Social networking is more than a buzz word. It’s a way of life. But instead of being universal communication like the telephone, email or basic text messages, every site is its on animal, with its own language, and they do not play well together.

There are some tools that help to consolidate all the various sites’ information into one, but even that means joining another site with a new set of log in information to remember (assuming that you have a distinct password for every site...which I'm sure you do...right?).

Meanwhile, there are some sites and tools I enjoy. But I hate my myspace page. It has become one of my default online homes simply because ‘everybody’s doing it.’ Every body is on Myspace, although many have jumped ship to the Facebook…but that’s a whole other story.

I have a problem with not being in control, and having to post the same basic information to 20 or so different sites is an obvious streaking of control. But in order to keep up everyone who might find me, I have to literally be everywhere.

And I hate it. But I have a special hate in my heart for my Myspace page.


RealNetworks - Music - News - Sports - Media Player

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 6:49 PM   0 comments
Free Books From Harper Collins
Starting today, you can visit http://www.harpercollins.com/ and will be able to see the entire contents of current books, with a new books being released every month.

Just as I was wondering if I was going to have to pony up for “Mission: Cook! My Life, My Recipes and Making the Impossible Easy” by Robert Irvine, it is now magically available for free via the web. Maybe there is something to The Secret after all...

Clark Color Labs

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posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 10:56 AM   0 comments
Thoughts for the Day for February 11, 2008
Today's Quote: "The secret of being a bore is to tell everything." - Voltaire

Today's Topic For Reflection: Do you talk with without a filter? Do you know what not to say?


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:37 AM   0 comments
Things I Did Today To Make It A Near Perfect Sunday
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Things I did today to make it a near perfect Sunday:

- Made the bed

- Payed off a credit card

- Prayed

- Read a book

- Called a friend

- Called a family member

- Read the whole Sunday paper

- Updated software and erased obsolete software

- Washed dishes

- Laundry

- Grocery shopping

- Cooked

- Faced my fear of asparagus

- Spent time with my wife

- Actually remembered to post to the blog

Dan's Chocolates

Dan's Chocolates


posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:30 PM   0 comments
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