What Is
Life In Fast Forward?
Welcome to the online home of me, some guy given the name John Cleveland Payne. In the grand scheme of life, I am just another guy with another blog. But to myself, and hopefully to all of you who actually read this, I am something a little more special. From a young age, I fell in love of the idea of ‘the message’ and medium in which you try to transmit.

Basically, everyone has a message to give to the world. Some are basic, some complex, some have the power to up lift and some are just out there to bring as many people down as possible. But everyone has a message, and most people have problems identifying their message. And the ones who get that far can seem to figure out how to get the world to listen.

Well, I have a message, and this is where I will get a chance to share it. Hopefully, you’ll get plenty of things to keep you motivated or inspired, provide knowledge and comfort, and just have a little fun. Apologies for the state of flux and state of seemingly confusing messages that you’ll get here for a while, as I am doing a lot of personal soul searching, and scrubbing of old ideas to take the best of the past to build a new beginning.

In 2007, I changed the name of blog from “The Mis-Adventures Of The Jazzy Cool One” to “Life In Fast Forward.” I began to tear down old blogs and newsletters and try to find places for them here. My goal is to take the focus off of me the person, and show the world the life I live and share with every human on the planet. I aspire to life at a very high standard, and instead of dealing with people who rather slow us down, I want to find ways to help people pick up there own pace. As you get to see an insight to the further adventures I hope to lead, hopefully you’ll enjoy the ride, and want to come along.

Other things
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Other things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I thought I was through with the movie Rent, but it seems that my briliant plan to make my wife happy has been foiled, as she just read my post about taking her to see Rent a few hours ago. So as a public service, I will now list some of the now forbidden topics that you will no longer see me post about on this here blog, because I am hiding it from my wife:

- My extra cash I make from my half-hearted attempt at being a self-help guru
- My extra cash I make from my other half-hearted attempt at being a self-help guru
- My long and torrid affair with Laurie Ringler
- My stint as lead singer for Ready For The World
- How my blog is not only destroying my marriage, but possibly hurting my career as well
- Raven-Symone is my daughter, and the extra cash I have stashed from her Cosby Kid days
- I am secretly a nationwide mental health advocate going under thepseudonymm Jayson Blair

Thank you. I feel much better now.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:13 PM   1 comments
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Just saw Rent again. My wife was upset because her mother and sister got together to see it yesterday, and she couldn't go because she had to work. There was no way I was going to tell her I saw it when she went to work, so I made it seem like a brilliant idea to go see it tonight since our son is still at his grandmothers so we don't need a sitter.

It also seem as if Tate Diggs was in the original Broadway production. Way to go with your no talent self!
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 10:09 PM   1 comments
Friday, November 25, 2005
Had the night to myself, so I figured I'd entertain myself with a movie no one in a million years would think I would want to see. The pick was 'Rent.'

Okay I liked it. Not madly . . . and I'm not a big fan of musicals or preachy art house styled movies, especially when based on a Broadway play. But the cast was good and the singing performances weren't as painful as I thought they would be.

The story? Well, you can go to the website for the movie or play that I already provided for a good explanation, because I left the film not knowing exactly what the point was. Its a mix of problems that 8 'friends' have with rent, responsibility, rebellion and AIDS while living in New York's East Village.

Its basically an modern version of Puccini's classic opera La Boheme, but that doesn't help either.

I'm not sure I'll be able to see Law & Order or Jesse L. Martin in the same light, after finally getting the Ally McBeal images out. However, I'll watch pretty much anything with Rosario Dawson in it (Sin City = YES!!!, Pluto Nash = DEAR GOD, WHY!!!). And I'm pretty sure they hired Tate Diggs because every woman on the planet thinks he looks good. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it just seemed his performancee wasn't much of anything, and they could have found some other person with more that three facial expressions.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 9:55 PM   2 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
It's really official. Tom Cruise is insane.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 6:41 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Not a good week for Vice President Cheney & the media. First Yahoo! makes its first gaff in its new content partnership with Gawker Media, by censoring Dick Cheney's first name in a posting from the usually profanity laced political blog Wonkette (it has since been fixed). Then yesterday, what was apparently a really stupid mistake with a board op in the CNN studios has turned into the conspiracy du jour.

And President Bush didn't make it much easier when for a few minutes, it seemed like he couldn't operate a door.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 4:02 PM   0 comments
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Lessons in corporate partnerships and 'selling out to the man' are learned yesterday by the popular political blog Wonkette, whose parent company(?) signed a deal to have some of their content featured on Yahoo.

They said they were not being sold or selling out, and that their content would not be censored, which was true. There language, however, wasn't exactly what the folks at Yahoo felt was 'family friendly' apparently, and they did a little web bleeping.

Maybe they should go through the code of their filter program, which is the reason, but not really to blame, for the Vice President's first name to be censored.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:03 PM   0 comments
Monday, November 14, 2005
Columnist John Leo has found that we're all victims and nobody has any responsibility left. He list proof with the top 10 victim stories of 2005 with special mention of one of the newest group of victims I have found, young people at bars.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:40 PM   0 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Today, I asked myself "What kind of blogger am I?"

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:44 PM   1 comments
Sometimes it take a while for an thought you had to actually settle in and smack you in the head with the gravity of the situation. Today, for example, I was in my car listening to James Brown's Living in America on the radio, and I just started counting Rocky films backwards from IV . . . then remembered Rocky V . . . OH MY GOD! THERE MAKING A ROCKY 6!
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 5:30 PM   0 comments
Remember the glory days of MTV? Would you admit to taping music from the television through the little condenser mic in your hand held tape recorder? I was the hit of my elementary school because I was able to get a copy of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Music Video on tape, even if it meant listening to my dad complain about shushing the family to record a stupid video for about 30 seconds. I was jazzy cool even before I was Jazzy Cool.

So far I've watched the video 4 times, and don't see any reason not to watch it another few dozen. At about 12 minutes a pop, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep.

Props out to the Cagle Loop Crew, my old break dancing crew, serving folks before "You Got Served" was even worth doing. Bony J here, reliving my youth and still keeping the dream alive . . . I if I can just convince my dad that after 20 years he should still buy me that "Beat It" jacket . . .
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 12:50 AM   0 comments
Friday, November 11, 2005
We've been caught with our pants down . . . the cats out of the bag . . . the jig is up . . .

Whatever tired cliche you want toss out is up to you. One of my other blogs the KARN Newsradio Reaction Blog, has been chosen as Blogger's Blog of Note for today . . .

And I wasn't taking it live until Monday . . .

And I am a serious offender of the rule of overusing my dot-dot-dots . . .

Suffice it to say I've got a lot of extra-extra work to wrap up this weekend. For those of you who don't know, I work at KARN-AM/FM, a radio station in Little Rock, Arkansas. Among all the things that take up my day that I'm almost positive I don't get paid to do, I am the producer of the early morning news program "First News with Neal & Meg," and the station's webmaster. I've spent the last few months crafting a plan to update our website (news site goes live next week), set up some automation to produce a podcast page (should be done within two weeks), and the blog (which should have been live a week ago, but if you follow my theme here of wanting to post regularly . . . well, you know . . .)

Suffice it to say, I've been exposed and need to get a jump on getting a jump on getting everything the way it should have been before we got exposed.

(Yes, KARN is a news/talk station. Yes, I know that statement is nothing but repeated double talk. Yes, it does seem like we do a lot of that on KARN.)

Once again, with feeling: http://karnnewsradioblog.blogspot.com/
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 12:50 PM   1 comments
If you're not reading Marla's Blog Full of Bitches and Rants, then there is really something wrong with you. Forget that Wonkette chick--Marla is one of the most insightful and blatantly honest ladies I know, and I am glad to know that I stay on her good side about 60% of the time.

So if you have a tendency to be unraveled by being smacked in the face by the obvious, don't enjoy the fine art of stringing together a perfect line of four letter words, or are just plain boring, go play Nintendogs. Otherwise, take a minute to what Marla has to say today.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 3:07 AM   0 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I would like to give my thanks to the folks behind The Arkansas Blog Index for actually putting a link to this blog in said index. I am once again under an obligation to regularly post now that I know that there is an chance that people are reading. That does not directly effect the chance that I will post regularly, however.

You can find me on the list alphabetically (in the "M's") at http://arkansasblogs.blogspot.com/2005/11/arkansas-blog-index-alphabetical-order.html.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 11:04 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Blogs are cool. Especially when you read blog the people actually update with original post . . . which I know doesn't happen 'round here often.

From a blog I found called IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com, I found out that there really is such a thing as a new book titled I Should Be Dead By Now by Dennis Rodman , which gets straight to the juicy bits we all want to know about, having sex with Madonna and Carmen Electra.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:28 AM   0 comments
Monday, November 07, 2005
Breaking news from ESPN.com: Terrell Owens' indefinite suspension has been given a number, 4. But Philadelphia Eagles Coach Andy Reid also announced just moments ago that T.O. would not be allowed to return to the team after his suspension was over.

T.O. is now, barring an appeal, off the team for the remainder of the season.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 2:34 PM   1 comments
Remember when I asked the question, 'Can't get enough of that delicious CNN anchor/reporter Anderson Cooper?' For those of of you who obviously can't, the new Anderson Cooper 360 begins tonight, as the show takes over the expanded Newsnight time slot of 10PM Eastern and gets rid of that pesky Aaron Brown. Or does it assimilate the old show and it's previously wasted time 11PM Eastern time slot? No one is really sure, but ready or not, here comes much, much more Anderson Cooper.

And in exchange, we get the same amount of Wolf Blitzer and his Situation Room . . . only later, with a later start to the Blitzer Room, then a time out for dinner, followed by another hour at 7PM Eastern. Does the man ever go home?

posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 11:04 AM   1 comments
And now, what is making the rounds as one of the best celebrity stories ever, Mr. T likes the double shot espresso.
posted by J. Cleveland Payne @ 7:26 AM   0 comments
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